Dental Implant Surgery
Post operative directions for patients receiving osseointegrated fixtures
It is essential for the healing process that the following directions are observed during the first two weeks after the operation:
- Only clear liquids may be consumed during the first 24 hours after surgery. For example, beef or chicken broth, plain miso soup, JELL-O™, coffee, tea, and juice without particles. NO SMOKING or ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES for one week immediately following surgery.
On the day after surgery and until the sutures are removed, your diet can change to milk shakes, protein shakes, soups, cream of wheat, oatmeal, jook, soft eggs and anything you can put in a blender and liquefy with beef or chicken broth, milk or water. Absolutely no chewing until sutures are removed. - Using an elevated head rest (e.g. an extra pillow) during the first two nights after the operation should help reduce swelling in the operation site. USE ICE PACKS for the first 48 hours after surgery on the outside of the face, chin and throat area. For upper implant surgery, place the ice pack on the upper lip and cheeks. (NOTE: Bags of frozen peas or corn make excellent ice bag substitutes.) On the third day and thereafter, you may use HEAT (heating pad on low or a hot wash cloth) with a gentle massage until the swelling has disappeared.
- Bite on gauze until bleeding has stopped. You may only remove the bandage to take nourishment and medication and during the night while you are asleep. Should any oozing or bleeding occur in the operated jaw, it usually may be stopped by softly biting on a roll of gauze dressing soaked in saline (salt water) for 1 hour. If bleeding does not stop by doing so, you should contact our office immediately.
- Starting on the second day, either after each meal or at least three times per day, rinses your mouth thoroughly with saline solution (salt water), then rinse with plain water. NOTE: Every time you rinse with salt water, you must rinse with plain water to remove all salt particles. Also, every time you drink or eat, you must rinse your mouth with plain water.
- Toothpaste SHOULD NOT be used for one week following surgery. Teeth should be cleaned by lightly brushing, taking care to avoid the surgical site and any sutures. Use only the chlorhexidine mouthwash prescribed to you by your doctor until sutures are removed. Swish and expectorate 1/2 ounce (15cc) twice per day.
- Dentures or partials MAY NOT be worn until refitting adjustments (relining) have been made. Insertion of dentures too early may jeopardize a successful healing process. You may wear the opposing denture after surgery.
- If you are in doubt, or if there are any signs of a problem related to the healing of the surgical areas (such as an ulceration or soreness due to denture rubbing over the area, etc.), please contact our office at once.